Why Twister?

Six Times More Can Mean Six Times Less

When PET and aluminum drinking containers are reliably and easily compacted six times greater than at present; you can fit 6 times more in bins, bunkers, conveyers, balers and most importantly, in trucks. This can mean easier inventory handling and a reduction in associated labor costs. Fitting 6 times the material in one truck, means substantial transportation cost savings.

Twister Enterprises can help you achieve this through Twister, an auger compaction machine which compresses PET bottles and aluminum cans six-times more than other compaction methods. Material separation is still possible, so individual bottles or cans may be examined following compaction, if needed. Twister, is like expanding your yard, bins, bunkers and trucks six times, while shrinking associated current costs.

Twister auger compaction is forward motion auguring and will not jam like a ram compactor. Twister has no hydraulics and thus no hydraulic maintenance or leaks. With only three moving parts, Twister is low maintenance by design. When used with baling; “Twisting” material first speeds bailing through put and reduces baler wear, downtime and maintenance.

Twister’s low power consumption makes it very cost effective to operate. Twister offers versatile power options between single and 3-Phase voltages. Twister takes only a small footprint and is quickly and easily installed. Everything is pre-wired to have you up and running shortly after Twister delivery. Twister operates quietly; so it can be safely run in a relatively small space. Twister may be purchased, leased or rented; so there is the flexibility to do what is best for your recycling center.

Many Recycling Centers have gained a competitive advantage through Twister. Yours can be one of them. You owe it to yourself to see what Twister can do for your Recycling Center. Twister Enterprises is happy to answer all your questions, demonstrate the unit in operation, provide customer testimonials and help you evaluate the cost savings specifically for your business. This is at no obligation to buy, lease or rent Twister. Either way, it’s good to know the potential value offered for your specific Recycling Center. So give us a call today at (951) 550-2030 to learn more about Twister and what it can do for you. Thank you for giving this your consideration.